To convert |
multiply by: |
Inches to centimetres (cm) |
2.54 |
Centimetres to inches (in) |
0.3937 |
Square cm to square inch |
0.16 |
Square inch to square cm |
6.45 |
Feet to metres (m) |
0.3048 |
Metres to feet (ft) |
3.2808 |
Yards to metres (m) |
0.9144 |
Metres to yards (yd) |
1.0936 |
Cubic metre to cubic feet (cu ft) |
35.32 |
Cubic feet to cubic metre (m3) |
0.03 |
Cubic metre to litre |
1000 |
Litre to cubic metre |
0.001 |
Litre to cubic decimetre (dm3) |
1 |
Miles to kilometres (km) |
1.6093 |
Kilometres to miles (miles) |
0.6214 |
Hectares to acres (acres) |
2.47 |
Acres to hectares (ha) |
0.41 |
Grams to ounces (oz) |
0.04 |
Ounces to grams (g) |
28.35 |
Pounds to kilograms (kg) |
0.4536 |
Kilograms to pounds (lb) |
2.21 |
Litres to imperial gallons |
0.22 |
Imperial gallons to litres (L) |
4.55 |
Horsepower to kilowatts (kW) |
0.746 |
Kilowatts to horsepower (HP) |
1.34 |
Atmosphere to pounds per square inch |
14.68 |
Hectopascal to millibars |
1 |
Megapascal to bar |
0.1 |
Pascal to kilopascal |
1000 |
Pascal to newton/m² |
1 |
Pascal to kg/cm² |
0.00001 |
Pascal to pounds per square inch (PSI) |
0.000142 |
Pounds per square inch to pascal |
6 894 |
Pounds per square inch to kg/cm² |
0.0703 |
Kg/cm² to pounds per square inch |
14.223 |
Temperature: °F to °C |
subtract 32 and multiply by 5/9 |
Temperature: °C to °F |
multiply by 9/5 and add 32 |