Voice recording device, Bluetooth

last updated : 2020/02/27

General information

Call recording device with Bluetooth connectivity.

Allows the recording of phone calls over GSM or VoIP (WhatsApp, Skype, etc).

Works with Android and iPhone mobile phones.

Not for general use, strictly only for security related recordings.

Including a carry bag to hold recorder, user manual and your mobile phone.

Purchase via HQ recommended (compulsory for ICRC)



Recording of voice calls on smart phone by mobile network (GSM) or Voice over IP (VoIP)

Works with iPhone or Android

No software required

Recorded file on USB drive for download to computer

RecorderGear PR200 Bluetooth Cell Phone Call Recording Device, iPhone And Android Mobile Recorder a

Installation tools

None Supplied


RecorderGear PR200 Bluetooth Cell Phone Call Recording Device, iPhone and Android Mobile Recorder