Tape, measuring Quack Stick

last updated : 2018/12/31
Code Description Budget Price Ship. weight Ship. vol.
TAPE, adhesive, for measuring Quack Stick CH 7.35 2.4kg 3,24L Add

General information

An index using height and the mid-upper-arm circumference as variables to assess nutritional status in children: a very good indicator of wasting.  

It is a quick and easy way to categorize children (between 74 and 109cm*) into three nutritional status groups: good nutritional status, moderate wasting and severe wasting.

Independent of age, it is faster and no more difficult to measure than height or weight.

It provides a more accurate reflection, as compared to weight measurements, of the person’s real nutritional reserves.

*Adaptations to this range may be required where there is a high prevalence of stunting (chronic malnutrition).


Adhesive tape or band:, length 150cm, width 10cm.

Graduation scale: indicates nutrition level based on arm circumference and height.

It should be attached to a wooden base (see ICRC nutrition manual page 652).

Larger numbers correspond to arm circumference measures.

Smaller numbers correspond to the height measures.

Graduation right-hand scale, 85%:  Black colour, starts at a 13.25 arm circumference and a height of 72cm.

Graduation left-hand scale, 75%:  Red colour, starts at a 11.75 arm circumference and  a height of 72cm.